
Mar 21, 2009

Which type of women are you???

Siang ini Melben panas banget, 34 C nih cuacanya.. Weekend ini yanti ga kemana-mana, cuma di rumah aja karena panasnya itu lho.. So, iseng-iseng ynt buka FB and ikut-ikutan kuis yang ada di FB. Ynt coba titled "which type of women are you?" Dan hasilnya bikin tersandung saja.. ^_^

Ini kutipan resultnya:
"You are lovely and caring. You help others and spread out a lot of sympathy. Your life aim maybe is to serve the people. But your weakness is that you forget about yourself, your own needs. All your time is hold back for your friends and family. You are always there for people in trouble. Ready for any emergency. You make a lot of sacrifices just to be a good human. But every woman has her needs, her longings and a destiny. Don't loose yourself in work or curing other people's souls. You will have your own problems in your life. Another problem is that you don't say your opinion when it's right and important to say it. People trample onto your soul if you are always so kind and lovely and helpful. They will play on you. Though you should try to relax more and enjoy your life, you should not loose the gift that was given to you to help others . Not everyone is created this way... You are uniqe and rare!"

Di sini ga ada maksud apa-apa sih, cuma mo inget-inget aja tentang kepribadian diri.. (*Senyum-senyum mode on)

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